When someone leaves military service and enters civilian life they are often faced with many different expectations and responsibilities that must be met. Some find a very difficult transition to the civilian world while others thrive. The difference can be attributed to a number of things such as a person’s mindset, career aspirations and the differences between military and civilian life.
Civilian is defined as a person who does not serve in the armed forces of a belligerent party to an armed conflict. According to international humanitarian law, civilians enjoy certain privileges during armed conflict. These privileges are outlined in the laws of war and human rights treaties. Civilians include those who are employed by non-belligerent parties to an armed conflict and also include those who are not engaged in hostilities, such as civilian NGOs or chaplains attached to the military of a neutral country.
The civilian workforce is a key pillar of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Civilian crisis management includes preventive actions before conflict, supporting communities during and after a conflict and addressing the long-term effects of a conflict. It is essential that all actors involved in a conflict work together to protect civilians, especially women and children, as they undertake these tasks. This can be achieved through a combination of prevention, protection and recovery measures and through ensuring that the civilian voice is heard.
In the United States, civilian data is collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The data used to determine unemployment rates and wages is based on an individual’s place of employment. Civilian employment does not include business owners, self-employed individuals or unpaid family workers. The data is also based on the individual’s location and if they have more than one job, they are counted only once.
Civilian employment numbers are important for calculating national and local unemployment rates. The data is also used to calculate wage and salary rates. In addition, it is an important factor in determining the size of the economy and the overall health of a nation’s workforce.
Whether or not civilian life is better than military life is a question that is up to each individual’s personal experience and preferences. Some former military members enjoyed their time in the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps or Navy while others did not. The same can be said for civilians as some did not like their careers and eventually left them. There are many factors that influence a person’s decision to leave the military or civilian workforce. It can be as simple as a change in preferences or as complex as being court-martialed for misconduct. A general court-martial is the most severe punishment and carries the harshest penalties, including confinement, loss of pay and even the death penalty. Civilian appeals are handled through circuit courts and can go as high as the Supreme Court of the United States. In the military, commanding officers have the option of imposing non-judicial punishments.