What Are Human Rights?

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When a person’s rights are violated, it is a very serious matter. It may be a violation of civil rights, such as being denied freedom of speech or religion, or it may be a violation of privacy, for example when … Continued

Immigrants and the United States

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Many people move to another country because of work, school, or family. But some individuals leave their homes for more personal reasons, including political instability, poverty, economic or environmental crisis, gang violence, discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation, … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the removal from a country of an individual whose immigration status has expired or whose illegal presence in the country has been discovered. The government has a legal responsibility to deport people who have no right to remain … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is someone who is not a member of the military. Civilians may live in a country that is at war or have friends or family members who are soldiers. Civilians may also work in the government or private … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person legally recognized as belonging to a particular nation, state or commonwealth. Citizenship usually comes with responsibilities and rights, such as the right to vote and the obligation to follow the laws of the place where … Continued

What Are Human Rights?

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Human rights are things everyone is entitled to simply because they are human. This includes the right to live in safety, to have food and a place to stay and to get paid fairly for work that people do. People … Continued

The Positive Impact of Immigration

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Many people in the world are forced to make one of the hardest decisions in life – to leave their home country and start over somewhere else. This is known as migration, and it happens everywhere in the world. Some … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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The word civilian has a broad range of meanings, depending on context. In most cases, however, it refers to a person who does not belong to any of the armed forces. This includes those in the police and fire departments. … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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A citizen is someone who has full rights and responsibilities as a member of a nation or political community. Citizenship can be granted by birth, the nationality of parents or acquired through a process called naturalisation. Citizenship is a key … Continued

What Are Human Rights?

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Human rights are a set of fundamental standards that we, as individuals, expect from each other and must uphold. They include respect for each other and for our basic dignity, non-discrimination, tolerance, fairness, equality, justice, freedom of speech and conscience, … Continued

Immigrants in the United States

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Immigration is the movement of people from one place to another, often across long distances and to different countries. It is motivated by a variety of factors, including economic and employment opportunities, a desire to live in a more prosperous … Continued

The History of Deportation

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Deportation is a form of expelling a person from a country. The word comes from the Latin verb eportare, which means “to transport.” It was once a common punishment for criminals, especially political criminals and those found guilty of murder, … Continued

Transitioning From Military to Civilian Life

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A civilian is someone who is not a member of the armed forces. Civilians are a large segment of the world’s population and have many different interests, jobs, and careers. Civilians may be employed by government, businesses, educational institutions, non-profits, … Continued

The Importance of Being a Good Citizen

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A citizen is someone who has a legal right to live within a particular nation, state or commonwealth. Citizenship comes with rights but also responsibilities such as obeying the laws of the country. Citizenship varies from nation to nation but … Continued

Understanding the Concept of Human Rights

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The rights people are born with, which cannot be taken away from them and which are guaranteed by international law, are called human rights. They include civil and political rights, such as the freedom of speech and assembly, the right … Continued

Relief From Deportation

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Deportation is the removal of a person or group from a country or territory. The process of being deported starts when the government formally accuses an individual of violating the immigration law. If the government does this, a hearing is … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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Citizenship is the legal recognition that a person belongs to a nation, state or commonwealth. It usually comes with rights and responsibilities. For example, citizens must pay taxes and obey the law. Some nations also have special rights for their … Continued

The Basics of Human Rights

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Throughout history, many cultures and traditions have valued respect for individuals and the search for justice. These values grew into an idea called human rights, which aims to protect and promote individual freedoms and rights. The story of human rights … Continued