What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the removal from a country by government authorities of a non-citizen who is found to have committed a criminal offense, violated immigration laws, or otherwise lacks legal status to be in the country. The process is complex, both … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who is not an active member of any military, police, or fire fighting organization. The term is also used to refer to someone who follows the pursuits of civil life rather than a religious or … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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Citizenship is a legal status that allows you to vote, work and live in a country. It can be acquired in various ways, including being born in a country, having citizen parents, marriage to a citizen or naturalization (applying for … Continued

The Political Concept of Human Rights

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Human rights are the universal principles that everyone on the planet is entitled to enjoy in a world of genuine peace and justice. The most comprehensive statement of them was approved, almost unanimously, by the nations of the world in … Continued

Immigrants and America

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About 44.9 million immigrants —people who were born in another country —lived in the United States as of 2019. This represents about 14 percent of the population. Since the end of World War II, immigrant numbers have increased steadily. Immigrants … Continued

How to Avoid Deportation

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Deportation is the process by which the federal government removes a noncitizen from the United States. The Department of Homeland Security, through Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), can formally remove a person from the country for a variety of reasons, … Continued

What is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person not associated with the military or any other armed force. The term may refer to people who are not soldiers, sailors, airmen or police officers, or it may describe citizens who are not involved in … Continued

What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen?

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A citizen is a member of a political community. Citizens have a range of rights and responsibilities and are expected to follow certain principles that guide their behavior. Citizenship also entails a shared sense of identity and purpose. The question … Continued

The Future of Human Rights

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The horrors of World War II brought to global consciousness the idea that human rights need to be universally respected. In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a set of 30 rights that … Continued

The Importance of Immigration

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Immigration is the international movement of people to a country where they are not natives and do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens. National statistical agencies generally use the term “immigrant” to refer … Continued

Understanding the Process of Deportation

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Deportation is the act of sending a person, usually a foreigner, back to their home country. The process is governed by immigration laws and can take many forms. It can happen as part of a mass deportation program like Operation … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who does not belong to any military, police, fire fighting or other emergency service organization. Civilians have jobs that pay them a living. They have mortgages, cars, insurance, and bills to pay. They work with … Continued

The Concept of Citizenship

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Citizenship is a broad concept that encompasses all of the rights and responsibilities that are associated with membership in a specific political community. It is therefore a fundamental aspect of human existence and an important topic for study. The concept … Continued

The Concept of Human Rights

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The concept of human rights has become one of the cornerstones of international law. It is a body of international legal principles that defines a set of minimum standards of human dignity and equality, and states’ responsibilities to realise them. … Continued

The Importance of Immigration

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Since ancient times, people have moved from one place to another in search of opportunity or a better life. Today, international migration plays a central role in political and policy debates across the globe. In the United States, immigrants make … Continued

How Does Deportation Work?

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Deportation is the official expulsion by an authority of a foreigner from the country to which they belong. Traditionally, it is a criminal punishment that results in a prison sentence or even death but has more recently been applied to … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is someone who is not a member of the military. The word can also refer to a person who does not take part in the fighting or support the war effort. Civilians may be harmed by war, especially … Continued

The Future of Citizenship

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The word citizen appears to have a rather straightforward meaning: an individual legally attached to the state and entitled to certain privileges or rights, he fulfils obligations in return (Habermas 2001b). The question is not how this notion of citizenship … Continued

What Are Human Rights?

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A human right is a principle or set of rights that define the fundamental dignity and worth of every person. It is a concept that is universal, inalienable and indivisible; it is interrelated and all rights are interdependent; and it … Continued

The Nation of Immigrants

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Whether you consider yourself a “nation of immigrants” or not, the United States is a country built in part by people who came from other countries. Immigrants are essential to our economy, providing valuable workforce skills and bringing new ideas … Continued

The Impact of Deportation

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In the United States, deportation is a process of removing noncitizens from the country, usually to their place of origin. Deportation is often associated with criminal convictions, but can also be based on a variety of other grounds including inadmissibility … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is someone who is not a member of the armed forces. Typically, civilians serve in the non-military parts of the government and are involved in the decision making processes of defense and national security policy. There are a … Continued