What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the expulsion of a non-citizen by an executive agency of a sovereign state. It is a form of punishment or banishment from a country where the government feels the presence of that person is unlawful or detrimental. The … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who has not served in a country’s uniformed military services. Civilian is also a term that refers to the non-military portions of a country’s government, and to the non-military sectors of business, industry, and culture. … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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Citizenship is the legal status that entitles a person to live in a country and not be denied access or deported. In wealthy liberal democracies, it also entitles them to rights such as voting, welfare or education. Citizenship is often … Continued

The Human Rights Movement

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Across the world, governments and individuals have recognised that there are certain minimum requirements for human dignity. These basic beliefs – that people deserve to live with some level of physical, mental and spiritual security, and that all people should … Continued

Immigrants in the United States

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Immigration is the movement of people from one country to another for a number of reasons. The term immigrant can be applied to both those who are legally privileged to move from their country of origin (legal immigrants) and those … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is anyone who is not a member of the military. Civilians are important to the functioning of society, and they must be protected from harm in armed conflict. Civilians are often displaced, exploited, and subject to violence in … Continued

What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who has full rights and responsibilities as a member of a nation or political community. Citizenship is usually granted by birth, but it can also be acquired through naturalization or as a result of marriage … Continued

The Concept of Human Rights

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As a concept, human rights have been around for thousands of years. The idea is that every human being has certain inalienable rights, which are fundamental to their dignity as humans. It is these rights that are defended and promoted … Continued

Immigrants Across the Globe

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Across the globe, people are making one of the most difficult decisions of their lives: to leave the country where they grew up, often for good. They do so for a wide range of reasons: poverty, lack of opportunities for … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the removal of a non-citizen from the country where they are living, often to their home country. A person may be removed if they have been found to have violated the law or if they are deemed to … Continued

The Role of Civilians in the Military

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A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one not active in the military or a police force. Civilians are distinguished from combatants in situations of international armed conflict and non-international armed conflict, although the distinction may be difficult … Continued

Becoming a Good Citizen

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Citizenship is the relationship between an individual and a state to which he or she owes allegiance and claims protection. A person who has citizenship in a state may have rights and duties that are not granted or extended to … Continued

Philosophy of Human Rights

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Human rights are fundamental freedoms and dignity that every person is entitled to. They include the right to food, shelter, education, health and freedom from torture or inhuman and degrading treatment. The fulfilment of these rights is essential to a … Continued

Immigrants’ Views on Immigration

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Immigration is the movement of people from one place to another in order to live and work, often in a new country. In the United States, immigrants make enormous contributions as workers, business owners, taxpayers, and neighbors. They are essential … Continued

The Process of Deportation

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Deportation is the process of returning a foreign national to their country of origin. Individuals may be deported for a variety of reasons including being found to have committed criminal acts, a lack of proper documentation, or having violated immigration … Continued

What is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who is not a member of an armed force. Civilians include those who live in cities or towns and those who work at jobs such as teaching, nursing and police work. They can also be … Continued

What Is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who is a legal member of a nation state and enjoys some privileges, rights and duties that come with that status. Citizenship is usually conferred at birth or through a process called naturalization. In most … Continued

The Importance of Human Rights in Peacebuilding

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Human rights are the fundamental freedoms and entitlements that everyone is born with – simply because they are human. They cannot be negotiated, earned or bought. They are universal, indivisible and interdependent. They are inherent in the dignity of every … Continued

Immigrants and the United States

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As workers, business owners, taxpayers and neighbors, immigrants play a vital role in the U.S. economy and culture. They provide billions in annual tax revenue and fill critical jobs in construction, farming and other services that support the nation’s infrastructure … Continued