Immigrants and the United States

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A person who lives in a country other than their birthplace is an immigrant. International migration is a global phenomenon that affects nearly all nations. It occurs when people move across borders or between countries, either permanently or temporarily, usually … Continued

Understanding the Concept of Deportation

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Deportation is the expulsion by executive agency of an alien whose presence in a country is deemed unlawful or detrimental. Historically, it has also had a broader meaning of banishment and transportation to penal settlements. Regardless of its precise meaning, … Continued

What Does It Mean to Be a Citizen?

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Citizenship is a legal status that recognizes one’s right to live in a particular nation, state or commonwealth. It also includes responsibilities such as obeying the laws of that place. Different nations have different requirements for citizenship, including voting rights … Continued

The Origins and History of Human Rights

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Human rights are a collection of freedoms and protections that all humans have, whether they live in the developed world or not. These include the right to life, the freedom of speech, the freedom to religion, and the right to … Continued

Transitioning From Military to Civilian Life

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A civilian is a person who is not a member of the armed forces of any country. Usually, civilians work in occupations such as law enforcement, construction, education, health care and retail. A trained civilian, however, can be just as … Continued

What is a Citizen?

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Citizenship is a relationship with, and responsibilities to, a country or community. It entails rights, such as voting or access to public services. It also has duties, such as obeying laws and paying taxes. Different nations, states or commonwealths may … Continued

The Immigrant Experience in America

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Immigration involves moving to a new country and establishing residency there. It can be voluntary or involuntary, temporary or permanent. In 2019, the United States had 23.2 million immigrants, or about 14 percent of the population. About half of those … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the removal, or forced return to a home country, of an individual by immigration authorities after a hearing. This process is overseen by the Department of Homeland Security and its law enforcement division, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). … Continued

Understanding the Concept of Human Rights

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Human rights are a set of fundamental principles that define everyone’s basic dignity. They are universal, inalienable, indivisible and interdependent; they include political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights. Those who violate them should be held accountable for their actions. … Continued

The Importance of Immigration

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Immigration is one of the world’s oldest and most widely practiced forms of political and economic migration. Historically, it has had immense social and economic benefits for states. But it also brings challenges, particularly for the immigrants themselves. Learning a … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the formal removal of a non-citizen from a country. The process is often complicated and lengthy. It is typically triggered by an immigration violation such as entering the country illegally, committing a crime in the United States, or … Continued

The Definition of a Civilian

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A civilian is a person who does not belong to an armed force or engage in hostilities. Civilians are a group of people that are subject to certain rules and regulations under international humanitarian law. In addition, they are protected … Continued

Understanding the Concept of Citizen

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Citizenship is a complex concept, but in general it refers to a person’s relationship with the state. In a formal sense it is a legal status which, in rich liberal democracies, brings with it the right to vote and access … Continued