A civilian is an individual who is not a member of an armed force or a person engaged in hostilities. Civilians are often employed by the military in maintenance, administrative or support positions like building trades, cooks and storekeepers.
In general, to be a civilian means to live a peaceful life away from the rigors of war or battle. There are a number of advantages to being a civilian, including the ability to work in a variety of industries and the freedom to enjoy recreational activities without being concerned about conflict with an enemy or the threat of war. In addition, civilians are more likely to be employed and to have higher wages than those in the military.
However, being a civilian has its drawbacks as well. For example, civilians are not guaranteed a job and may be laid off when a company closes. They also must follow strict working and presentation standards and talk to other people according to specific rules. They are also not guaranteed a safe place to live if they happen to be caught in the middle of an armed conflict or natural disaster.
Many veterans struggle to adjust to civilian life after returning from service. It’s important for transitioning soldiers to remember that their rank doesn’t matter in the civilian world and to be patient with others who may not understand their experiences. They should strive to be humble, ask questions and make an effort to become a part of the civilian culture.
It is also important for civilians to be aware of the impact that their actions can have on those in the military. Civilians should avoid protesting at military bases and should not publicly display their patriotism or support of the armed forces, as these actions can be perceived by soldiers as disrespectful. It is also important for civilians to avoid wearing uniforms that could be viewed as military attire, as this can also cause confusion among members of the armed forces.
One of the most difficult parts of being a civilian is the loss of structure and discipline that comes with military life. A service member must be on time for work and cannot afford to skip or be late, because he or she will be in trouble with superiors. There are no excuses for being late or not meeting high working or presentation standards, and a service member can be easily punished for these things.
Although a soldier’s role is to protect civilians, it can be hard to distinguish between a terrorist and a civilian. This is especially true if the terrorist is acting in concert with an organized armed group that is a party to an armed conflict. In such cases, it is sometimes necessary to target civilians who are directly participating in hostilities and do not have a protected status under international law. However, such targeting must be proportionate to the military advantage expected from the attack and taken in full consideration of the precautions that must be taken in attacks on civilians.