A civilian is a person who is not a member of any military force. This person may have a job in the private sector or may be a student, doctor, or lawyer. Civilians may also work in government or volunteer with charities and organizations. In a legal context, the term is often used to refer to someone who has not been charged with a crime or who has not been arrested.
When you transition to civilian life from the military, it can be difficult to leave behind a tight-knit group of fellow service members. This crew became your family and it is normal to want to connect with them on a deeper level as you adjust to civilian life. It is important to try your best to find a community that fits you and makes you feel comfortable. This can be done through family, friends, and local veteran groups.
One of the biggest differences between military and civilian life is the strict rules that are adhered to in the military. This can include rigid schedules, a certain tone of voice, and strict responses to commands. Civilian life tends to be less structured and has more leniency in these areas.
If you are a civilian, it is important to know your rights as you navigate the legal system. You may be involved in a criminal case or may have been sued by a former employer. Having a strong defense is essential to ensuring that your legal case goes in your favor.
The word civilian is derived from the Latin “civilis”, which means “of the people.” The word became common in English during the Middle Ages, with the earliest use dating back to before 1425. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) notes that the primary meaning of civilian is “not military.” The secondary definitions of civilian are a person not in the army, and also a lawyer or scholar who studies civil law.
In the context of international humanitarian law, the term civilian refers to individuals who do not participate in hostilities, as defined in Article 50 of Additional Protocol I. In practice, however, the distinction between combatants and civilians is not always straightforward during internal armed conflicts and members of armed opposition groups may be considered civilians. When they directly participate in hostilities, such civilians lose their protection from attack (API art. 6).
Civilians also do not have the same immunity from prosecution that military personnel enjoy under the laws of war. Therefore, if you are a civilian who is involved in a legal case, it is vital to consult with an attorney who understands the complexity of the military-civilian distinction and the unique challenges that civilians face when seeking justice. This legal professional can ensure that your rights as a civilian are protected throughout your trial. The stronger your defense is, the more likely your case is to end in a positive resolution that is beneficial for you and your family.