One of the most popular mobile apps in the world, Citizen provides real-time notifications of crimes and other incidents. It provides live video of an incident, including police and fire crews, and updates on protests, natural disasters, and other events. Citizen has helped save lives by prompting people to leave burning buildings, alerting a building’s occupants to a fire, and rescuing a young boy from a stolen car. Its features include crime map alerts, a crime map, and an incident line.
While Citizen may be a valuable tool for public safety, it has also stepped into potentially dangerous territory. The company’s CEO, Andrew Frame, a former teenage prodigy hacker, ordered staff to post a $30,000 reward on the capture of a man after he mistakenly thought he had set a brushfire. Critics slammed the move as dangerous, but the Los Angeles sheriff’s department denounced Frame’s action and cleared him of any wrongdoing.
The liberal model of citizenship is derived from early modern reflections on Roman law. During the Roman Empire’s expansion, citizens were granted rights that extended beyond protection to participation in lawmaking. It became an official status. The concept of citizenship has evolved to include rights of participation and protection, rather than political office. Citizenship does not represent political office, but instead denotes membership in a shared community of law. Further, it is a valuable status associated with social and cultural rights.
Citizens automatically believe the statements of the government and the media. The term “citizen” refers to an inhabitant of a city, which means they are entitled to the rights and privileges of that city. As such, if you question the official 9/11 story, you are most likely a citizen. You’re unlikely to be a model citizen if you don’t question the government’s fabrications. But you may not know it, but your government is feeding you bullsh*t!
The debate over differentiated citizenship focuses on the effect on civic integration. As a lever of integration, democratic citizenship is perceived to generate desirable feelings of belonging and identity. This debate also focuses on the relationship between citizenship and nationality. For many, citizenship is a significant lever in advancing integration. You don’t need to be born into a nation or a racial group to be a citizen. But it does have other advantages, especially for those with diverse backgrounds.
What does it mean to be a citizen? First, citizenship is a legal recognition of belonging to a nation, state, or commonweath. Having this status gives you certain rights and responsibilities, including the right to vote, hold government office, and collect unemployment insurance payments. Naturally, citizenship comes with responsibilities, and the naturalization process varies among states, nations, and commonweaths. So, it’s important to understand the implications of citizenship and the benefits it confers.