The Concept of a Civilian

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A civilian is someone who does not engage in military or combat activities. Civilians typically live in society and contribute to it in a variety of different ways. They may work in areas such as law enforcement, education, health care, … Continued

The Debate About Citizenship

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Citizenship is a legal status of an individual which defines their rights and responsibilities in society. It also reflects their place within the state and its history, culture and values. Consequently, it is very different across countries and has been … Continued

The Protection of Human Rights

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The word ‘human rights’ has come to refer to the basic freedoms and dignity that all people are born with. These include the right to life, the freedom from torture, and the right to work and education. These freedoms are … Continued

Immigrants’ Views of the United States

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As workers, business owners, students, and neighbors, immigrants make extensive contributions that benefit the nation. One in seven Americans lives in a household headed by an immigrant, and the American economy benefits from their spending. They pay billions in taxes … Continued

The Economic Impact of Deportation

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Deportation is the removal from the United States of a noncitizen, usually to the country of their origin. It is normally triggered by the immigration department when it decides that a noncitizen does not have permission to be here or … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who does not serve in the military. Unlike those who serve in the military, civilians have jobs and families outside of the military. Civilians are the backbone of society. They work in education, health care, … Continued

What Is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who holds a legal relationship with one or more nation states. Citizenship grants the privileges and rights of that state, while also imposing obligations. Citizenship also carries with it the responsibility to participate in political … Continued

How Are Human Rights Justified?

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Human rights are a set of fundamental freedoms and responsibilities that belong to every person and that no one can voluntarily give up or let others take away. These include the right to life, liberty, and security of person; the … Continued

What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who is fully part of the social life of a community or nation, having rights and responsibilities that stem from being a legal member of the group. Citizenship can be acquired through birth, naturalization, or … Continued

What Are Human Rights and Why Are They Important?

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Human rights are a set of principles that impose an obligation on governments to respect and protect the individual civil, cultural, economic, political and social freedoms and dignity of all people. These universally accepted and globally shared principles, embodied in … Continued

What Is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a member of a nation or political community. Citizenship is often associated with rights and responsibilities that individuals have towards their country or state, including the right to vote, hold public office, participate in government activities, and … Continued

Understanding the Concept of Human Rights

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Human rights are fundamentally about treating people with dignity and respect. This idea is powerful and largely non-controversial because it is recognised by all cultures, governments and religions. The idea is that humans have a right not to be violated … Continued

Immigrants and the United States

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Many people who immigrate to another country do so for a variety of reasons. Some are seeking economic opportunities or a better lifestyle. Others are looking to escape political or personal hardships in their home countries. Some are refugees who … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is someone who is not a member of the military or an armed force. Civilians live in societies where they are governed by laws rather than military force. They also tend to have careers that prepare them for … Continued

What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who belongs to a nation-state and enjoys rights and obligations provided by the state. Citizenship may also entail membership of subnational entities such as cantons, regions or states within a country. For example, a person … Continued