What is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who is not a member of the military. The term is often used to describe someone who does not work for the police, fire department or any other government agency. It is also sometimes used … Continued

What Is a Citizen?

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Citizenship is a status granted to individuals by their nationality, which gives them rights and obligations as members of a nation or political community. A citizen is legally recognized as belonging to a country, and can vote in elections, hold … Continued

The Importance of Human Rights

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Human rights are fundamental freedoms and dignity that are inherent to all people. They cannot be taken away from a person and can only be violated by the actions of others. Human rights cover all areas of a person’s life … Continued

Immigrants in the United States

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Many people around the world are immigrants, having left their homes to find better opportunities elsewhere. They may move only a few miles down the road, or they might leave their entire country behind for good. Whether the reason for … Continued

What Is a Civilian?

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A civilian is a person who is not a member of an armed force or law enforcement. Civilians usually live in the community and work in a variety of industries such as education, healthcare, business, and government. Civilians are often … Continued

The Importance of Being a Citizen

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Citizenship is a crucial component to any country’s well-being, and it’s important that everyone takes part in it. While many people understand what it means to be a good citizen, there are different ways they approach civic engagement. Some models … Continued

What Are Human Rights?

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Human rights are the fundamental freedoms and protections that all people are born with and entitled to just by being human. They are inalienable – they can never be taken away from any person – and interdependent and connected, with … Continued

The Importance of Immigration

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Immigration is the process by which people move to a country other than their own. Many contemporary immigrants are in search of a better life, while others are seeking safety from violence or persecution. The arrival of immigrants has historically … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation is the expulsion of a noncitizen from a country, typically because they entered or resided there illegally. In the United States, immigration officials have broad powers to deport people for a wide range of reasons. These include being found … Continued

What Is a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who lives in a certain country and has rights and responsibilities under the laws of that country. A citizen is often required to pay taxes, obey the laws and vote in elections. A citizen may … Continued

What Are Human Rights?

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Human rights are fundamental beliefs and values about how people should be treated. They are the basis for laws protecting people from abuses of power by governments and other powerful institutions. They are supported by every culture and major religion, … Continued

What is Deportation?

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Deportation refers to the removal of a person or family from a country, usually involving confiscation of their property and transportation back to the place of origin. In Anglo-American law, the term is generally used to describe the expulsion of … Continued

The Role of Civilians in War and Peace

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In war and peace, Army Civilians have been integral to the Army’s success since the Revolutionary War. Today, they serve in 540 careers across 31 career programs and are the largest civilian workforce within DOD. They are a critical element … Continued

What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen?

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A citizen is a person who, through birth, marriage, the military or naturalization, is granted full rights and responsibilities as part of a nation or political community. A good citizen demonstrates love for his or her country and will work … Continued

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Throughout history, many cultures have believed that human beings are born free and equal in dignity and worth. They have also believed that the dignity and rights of every person are to be protected by their governments and all people … Continued

The Importance of Immigration

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Immigration is the international movement of people into or from a country outside their own. The term “immigrant” encompasses a wide range of people, from those seeking asylum in another country to those who have moved for work or other … Continued