How Do Second Generation Immigrants Compare to First Generation Immigrants?

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While first generation immigrant children are likely to experience lower levels of educational achievement, second generation members are more likely to succeed. The first and second generations of immigrants represent roughly one out of four of the U.S. population. This makes successful integration into the mainstream of society a priority. But how do second generation immigrants measure up to their first-generation counterparts? Here are some statistics to help answer that question. The statistics below are representative of the second generation of immigrants.

According to the Pew Research Center, the United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world. In fact, over 40 million Americans are foreign-born, making up one-fifth of the world’s total population. The Pew Research Center publishes statistical portraits of the nation’s foreign-born population. These statistics include historical trends, as well as current data. Moreover, these immigrants are a significant part of the American workforce.

Human migrations have transformed lands. Early migrations brought Germanic, Slav, and Turkic peoples to the continent. Then, later migrations brought Europeans to the Americas, including tens of millions during the late sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Between the 1880s and the 1980s, nearly 60 million Europeans made the trip from their home countries to the Americas. As a result, immigrants’ cultures and traditions were enriched.

Approximately 82 million people worldwide are immigrants. Some are refugees, others are asylum seekers, and still others are migrants. They move to a new country with the intent of settling there. Many go through a thorough vetting process to become lawful residents and eventually citizens. Before making a move, immigrants research their new destination countries, learn the language and pursue employment opportunities. If they decide to stay, they are free to go back home.

As the immigrant population has increased, so has the diversity of language. Eighty percent of foreign-born Americans speak a language other than English at home. 62 percent of immigrants speak Spanish. This diversity has increased dramatically. During the last four decades, a third of the United States population now speaks a language other than English at home. That is an astounding amount of diversity. It is a good thing that many localities have embraced welcoming strategies to integrate newcomers.

Many immigrants face stigma and fear of deportation. Knowing their rights as an immigrant will help them advocate for themselves and their family. By being aware of their rights, undocumented immigrants will minimize the chances of separation from their loved ones and protect their mental health. Legal aid is available to undocumented immigrants. They can even connect with language services. Moreover, immigrants may be eligible for changes to their immigration status after being the victim of a crime.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in eight U.S. residents is foreign-born. Nearly half of those who entered the country have become citizens. Moreover, immigrants have significantly higher self-employment rates compared to U.S.-born individuals. Further, they are responsible for nearly a quarter of new businesses in the U.S. That’s a huge number of businesses founded by immigrants. However, despite the growing diversity of the U.S. population, immigrants have a significant impact on the economy.