Recently, President Barack Obama announced stepped-up deportation of noncitizens based on criminal records and other threats. While this step may seem harsh and unjust, research by immigration think tanks shows that such cases are very rare. According to the Migration Policy Institute, 1.9 million noncitizens are eligible for deportation based on criminal history. That number includes around 820,000 undocumented immigrants. In the past year alone, 37 percent of such immigrants have committed a felony. This can include murder or re-entry into the country illegally.
The federal government has a wide range of authority when it comes to enforcement of this policy. Immigration officers can catch aliens who attempt to cross the border and deport them. However, these deportations are rare because a judge must determine whether an alien poses a safety or security risk. Even if the immigration court rejects a case after several appeals, deportation is a common outcome for aliens. But if you have a case that looks like a losing one, you need to contact an Immigration Lawyer right away.
ICE can also detain individuals for a specified period. Depending on the severity of the crime, a detained individual may be sent to an immigration detention facility or contracted prison. Some individuals can choose to leave on their own, but there are strict guidelines that must be followed to ensure their safety. This is the preferred option for many aliens, and it is often the only way for them to remain in the country.
The process of deportation depends on the circumstances of the offender. Some crimes make an individual inadmissible to the U.S. Once deported, they cannot return to the country. This means that you must avoid any crime that may make you inadmissible to the United States. Further, you should avoid admitting guilt in any case. Sometimes, this may lead to deportation. It is better to keep your head up and fight against the deportation, as it is an extremely painful process.
There are several ways to avoid deportation. First, you must file for an immigration court hearing. Secondly, if you are detained, you must file an application. It is important to file a petition as soon as possible, even before the deportation process begins. The process of removal can take years. If you are convicted of a crime, you can be deported to another country. Further, if you are a noncitizen, deportation can be triggered for a variety of reasons.
Second, it’s vital to consult with an immigration lawyer before applying for an asylum. The federal government has many procedures and guidelines, so it’s best to get an attorney to handle your case. It’s important to understand your rights as a noncitizen and the steps you can take to prove them to be inadmissible. If you’re convicted of a crime, you can still get deported.