There are more immigrants living in the United States than ever before. This is due to a variety of reasons. Many migrants choose to relocate for a better standard of living. Immigrants can also leave for family reunification, retirement, exile, or for reasons of conflict.
Immigrants are more mobile than natives. They are usually less ties to the local community and can move easily within the country. Geographic mobility has been shown to smooth out bumps in the economy, and can help local economies respond to a shortage of workers. In general, immigrants tend to work at higher rates than their native-born counterparts.
Immigrants make up a substantial portion of the labor force, boosting the number of jobs available in the U.S., and contributing trillions of dollars to the economy. As a result, immigrants are a crucial part of the American economy. But current laws restrict the economic and social participation of millions of immigrants, including immigrants who legally entered the country, and unauthorized immigrants. These restrictions harm both the immigrant and broader economy.
The Department of Homeland Security estimates that there are about 11 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S., most of whom live in the top 20 metro areas. Most of these unauthorized immigrants are Mexicans, who made up the bulk of Border Patrol apprehensions in 2014. Currently, the executive branch has the power to enforce federal criminal codes and immigration laws. However, current law makes it difficult for immigrants to access basic social protections and foundational benefits such as public benefits.
Immigration has had a huge social and cultural impact on the U.S., as more immigrants arrive each year. For example, 3.2 million immigrants own business businesses in the U.S. and contributed $86.3 billion to the economy in business income in 2019.
A recent survey of Americans finds that two-thirds of them have positive views of immigrants. A majority believe that immigrants strengthen the country by working hard. Moreover, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born citizens.
Historically, immigrants have benefited the economy and states. Post-World War II immigrants came from former colonial areas, from Asia, and from Africa. Today, many modern states are characterized by ethnicity and diverse cultures. Some states, such as California, have large immigrant populations.
In addition to boosting the labor force, immigrants contribute to the economy in other ways. Immigrant entrepreneurs contribute to tens of billions of dollars in business revenue. Additionally, immigrants have a disproportionate share of the workforce in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and retail. And immigrant-led households had $1.3 trillion in collective spending power in the U.S. in 2019.
One in six workers in the United States is an immigrant. More than 1 million immigrants are admitted to the country every year. Approximately 28.5 million immigrant workers are employed. These workers represent 17 percent of the total labor force.
Despite these contributions, some people use misconceptions about the economy to exploit the immigration system. For instance, some claim that immigrants pose a threat to the health of the U.S. and bring diseases into the country. Others are concerned that immigrants will reduce the number of jobs.